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  • -45%

    Bouwlust, Theo Baart
    Bouwlust, Theo Baart

    The urbanization of a polder

    For the text in English, see below

    1999 Het platteland in Nederland staat onder grote druk, onder andere door de toenemende verstedelijking. In Bouwlust wordt aan de hand van een markant voorbeeld -…

    € 45,00 € 24,95
  • Creative Family Home, Ashlyn Gibson
    Creative Family Home, Ashlyn Gibson

    Imaginative and original spaces for modern family living

    Contemporary family homes need to work hard and play hard, meeting the needs of style-conscious parents, lively toddlers and everyone else in between.
    In Creative Family…

    € 24,95
  • 1000 Extra/Ordinary Objects, Oliviero Toscani
    1000 Extra/Ordinary Objects, Oliviero Toscani

    Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.

    Things, objects, stuff, trinkets, tools, materials, gadgets, the things we use, abuse, throw away, cherish, depend on: these are the things we own, simple…

    € 11,95
  • Blue is the New Black, Susie Breuer
    Blue is the New Black, Susie Breuer

    The 10 Step guide to Developing and Producing a Fashion Collection

    'This is a fantastic book for anyone interested in the world of fashion' - Sir Paul Smit

    Written for fashion graduates, newbie entrepreneurs and those in…

    € 18,95
  • Threadless, Jake Nickell
    Threadless, Jake Nickell

    Ten years of t-shirts from the world's most inspiring online design community

    Threadless is a global t-shirt phenomenon. It's also one of the Internet's most creative and vibrant communities. Threadless users—and there are more…

    € 18,95
  • Ideas Have Legs, Ian McMillan Vs Andy Martin
    Ideas Have Legs, Ian McMillan Vs Andy Martin

    Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar

    This beautifully produced book is the result of two artists collaborating WORDS versus PICTURES. Ian McMillan, writer and broadcaster and Andy Martin,…

    € 18,95
  • Amsterdam in stukken,  Mariëlle Hageman en Gerlinde Schuller
    Amsterdam in stukken, Mariëlle Hageman en Gerlinde Schuller

    Amsterdam in documents


    Text in English below

    Met heel veel beeld en korte informatieve teksten laat Amsterdam in stukken zien hoe Amsterdam zich vanaf 1275 heeft ontwikkeld. Die geschiedenis heeft kilometers papier en…

    € 9,95
  • Yearbook TextielLab 2013
    Yearbook TextielLab 2013

    The Yearbook TextielLab 2013 gives a clear picture of the possibilities in the TextielLab.

    Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar

    An initiative of the TextielLab, the specialist atelier and…

    € 85,00
  • Abandoned Places, Henk van Rensbergen
    Abandoned Places, Henk van Rensbergen

    His most iconic photos of the past 25 years

    HardcoverHenk van Rensbergen is a Boeing 787 pilot who flies around the globe. While his crew rests at the swimming pool, he goes out to explore abandoned places in our world. From the…

    € 11,95
  • Earth User's Guide to Permaculture, Rosemary Morrow
    Earth User's Guide to Permaculture, Rosemary Morrow

    Reprint with corrections in 1994

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.

    Whether you own an innercity balcony, a…

    € 34,95
  • Work/Life 3: the UPPERCASE directory of illustration
    Work/Life 3: the UPPERCASE directory of illustration

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.

    Being a professional illustrator is a full-time job that goes beyond the…

    € 28,95
  • Wrocław, Marcin Szczelina, NEW BOOK
    Wrocław, Marcin Szczelina, NEW BOOK

    Architectural Guide

    Foreword by Aaron Betsky

    More than 150 buildings, 330 pictures

    DOM Publishers, Books made by Architects

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op…

    € 21,95
  • The 3D Printing Handbook, Ben redwood, Filemon Schöffer and Brian Garret, NEW BOOK
    The 3D Printing Handbook, Ben redwood, Filemon Schöffer and Brian Garret, NEW BOOK

    Technologies, design and applications


    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.

    Slechts één stuks op…

    € 21,95
  • Australia, Sarah Zahradnik, NEW BOOK
    Australia, Sarah Zahradnik, NEW BOOK

    Architectural Guide

    With contributions from Harry Seidler, John Gollings, and David Bridgman

    200 projects

    DOM Publishers, Books made by Architects

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly…

    € 28,95
  • From Bauhaus to Our House, Tom Wolfe
    From Bauhaus to Our House, Tom Wolfe

    Hardcover with dust jacket

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.

    Today everyone (tout le monde) is looking at…

    € 24,95
  • Fruit, Wolfgang Stuppy and Rob Kesseler
    Fruit, Wolfgang Stuppy and Rob Kesseler

    Edible, inedible, incredible

    Hardcover with dust jacket

    Published in collaboration with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in…

    € 14,95
  • Printing Images in Antwerp, Jan Van der Stock
    Printing Images in Antwerp, Jan Van der Stock

    The Introduction of Printmaking in a City: Fifteenth Century to 1585

    Studies in prints and printmaking

    Hardcover with dust jacket
    First edition, 1998

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available…

    € 125,00
  • Surrur, Mari Savio & Kati Rapia
    Surrur, Mari Savio & Kati Rapia

    Make your own Marimekko


    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.

    Step into the studios of Marimekko…

    € 45,00
  • Three Eyes: Five Young Chinese Designers, Han Nefkens, Feng Feng and José Teunissen
    Three Eyes: Five Young Chinese Designers, Han Nefkens, Feng Feng and José Teunissen

    Catalogue, published with the exhibition The Future of Fashion is Now, on view in OCT Art & Design Gallery from 26 May 2016 to 31 July 2016

    First edtion, 2016
    Rare! Only one piece in stock

    This book is in stock in our warehouse…

    € 85,00
  • Music, Space and Architecture, Klaas de Jong, Aart Oxenaar, Machiel Spaan
    Music, Space and Architecture, Klaas de Jong, Aart Oxenaar, Machiel Spaan


    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.

    The relationship between architecture and music has a long and…

    € 24,95
  • Manhattan Unfurled, Matteo Pericoli
    Manhattan Unfurled, Matteo Pericoli

    With an essay by Paul Goldberger

    First edition, 2001

    Drawings by Matteo Pericoli of West Side and East Side of Manhattan. Published as (hardcover) leporello (harmonica book) in a slipcase.

    This book is in stock in our warehouse…

    € 28,95
  • Brutal Simplicity of Thought, M&C Saatchi
    Brutal Simplicity of Thought, M&C Saatchi

    How It Changed the World

    First edition, 2011

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.

    Simplicity looks…

    € 24,95
  • Lviv, Dolph Kessler, Michiel Driebergen, Kees van Ruyven en Ruud Meij
    Lviv, Dolph Kessler, Michiel Driebergen, Kees van Ruyven en Ruud Meij

    stad van Paradoxen
    city of paradoxes

    perspectieven tussen schoonheid en drama
    perspectives between beauty and drama

    Tekst in Nederlands en Engels
    Text in Dutch and English

    Hardcover, eerste druk, 2014
    Hardcover, first edition,…

    € 29,95
  • UPCYCLE, Rebecca Proctor
    UPCYCLE, Rebecca Proctor

    24 Sustainable DIY Projects


    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.

    Create high-end upcycled designs…

    € 18,95
  • The Window in Photographs, Karen Hellman, NEW BOOK
    The Window in Photographs, Karen Hellman, NEW BOOK

    New book
    Hardcover with dust jacket
    First edition

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.

    This publication is…

    € 29,95
  • New York Waterways, Susannah Ray
    New York Waterways, Susannah Ray

    Book 5 from the series 'Tales from the City'
    Published by Hoxton Mini Press, an indie publisher from East London.

    First edition, 2017
    Like new

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available…

    € 14,95
  • Bookshelf, Alex Johnson
    Bookshelf, Alex Johnson

    A title that will appeal to those interested in book culture as well as furniture and interior design, Bookshelf is the first publication to take bookshelf design as its subject. From the conceptual Read-Unread Bookshelf (which we

    € 14,95
  • The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees, Robert Penn
    The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees, Robert Penn

    BBC Radio Four ‘Book of the Week’, December 2015; shortlisted for the IBW Book Award 2016

    ‘Lovingly crafted’ – Observer

    ‘This book is bound for great things’ – Independent

    This book is in stock in our warehouse…

    € 8,95
  • Being Gary Fisher, Gary Fisher and Guy Kesteven
    Being Gary Fisher, Gary Fisher and Guy Kesteven

    And the bicycle revolution


    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar

    Meet Gary Fisher. The maverick kid…

    € 29,95
  • -45%

    Content, Rem Koolhaas
    Content, Rem Koolhaas

    A product of the moment.

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar

    Inspired by the ceaseless fluctuations of the…

    € 45,00 € 24,95
  • NDSM, Toen & Nu, Elisabeth Spits, Bas Kok en Marlies Hummelen
    NDSM, Toen & Nu, Elisabeth Spits, Bas Kok en Marlies Hummelen

    Hardcover, zo goed als nieuw exemplaar
    Eerste druk, 2018

    In dit boek trekt de bijzondere levensloop van de NDSM aan je voorbij in 200 prachtige foto's. Ooit was de NDSM-werf de grootste van Nederland. Van de hellingen waar nu

    € 45,00
  • Sneakers: The Complete Limited Edition Guide
    Sneakers: The Complete Limited Edition Guide

    Written and designed by U-Dox

    First edition, 2014

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar

    This is the…

    € 14,95
  • Eat Me, Victor Cheung
    Eat Me, Victor Cheung

    Appetite for Design

    Product - Packaging - Art - Branding - Interior

    Like new / zo goed als nieuw exemplaar

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons…

    € 45,00
  • Just Enough Design, Taku Satoh
    Just Enough Design, Taku Satoh

    Reflections on the Japanese Philosophy of Hodo-hodo

    Edited and translated by Linda Hoaglund

    Like new / zo goed als nieuw exemplaar

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op…

    € 16,95
  • The Garden at Bomarzo, Jessie Sheeler
    The Garden at Bomarzo, Jessie Sheeler

    A Renaissance Riddle

    First edition, 2007

    Photographs by Mark Edward Smith

    In mid-sixteenth-century Italy; Vicino Orsini, Lord of Bomarzo, soldier, artist, poet and freethinker, created a garden he called his sacro…

    € 45,00
  • The Book of Lofts, Suzanne Slesin, Stafford Cliff, Daniel Rozensztroch
    The Book of Lofts, Suzanne Slesin, Stafford Cliff, Daniel Rozensztroch

    Hardcover (bound in hardcover with dust jacket)
    As good as new, only the dust jacket is slightly discolored at the spine (see photos)

    Language: English

    With photographs by Gilles de Chabaneix ans illustrations by Robin…

    € 45,00
  • Trans> #9/10, 2001
    Trans> #9/10, 2001

    Bi-lingual, tri-annual publication focusing on international art and art culture. This double-issue includes but is not limited to works by Janet Cardiff, Tacita Dean, Arturo Herrera, Beatrriz Milhazes, Marjetica Potrc, Paul…

    € 35,00
  • -36%

    Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema, Tom Gunning, Giovanna Fossati, Yoshua Yumibe and Jonathon Rosen
    Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema, Tom Gunning, Giovanna Fossati, Yoshua Yumibe and Jonathon Rosen

    Foreword by Martin Scorsese

    First edition, 2015

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.

    Reduced in…

    € 55,00 € 35,00
  • Pussy, Aurel Schmidt and Alex Gatenfeld
    Pussy, Aurel Schmidt and Alex Gatenfeld

    The Aurel Schmidt Purple Book

    a special edtion for Purple Fashion Magazine #13 co-published with Studio Zero

    First edtion, Spring 2010
    Like new

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly /…

    € 45,00
  • Inside Magazines, Patrik Andersson & Judith Steedman
    Inside Magazines, Patrik Andersson & Judith Steedman

    Independent pop Culture Magazines

    Far away from the mass market or underground press, Inside Magazines reveals a covetable and independent publishing style, in which taste, opinion, design, fashion and creativity are excitingly…

    € 24,95
  • The New Nomads, Sven Ehmann, ­Michelle Galindo, Robert Klanten and Sofia Borges
    The New Nomads, Sven Ehmann, ­Michelle Galindo, Robert Klanten and Sofia Borges

    Temporary Spaces and a Life on the Move

    First edition, 2015

    The life of urban nomads places new demands on cities, residences, and working spaces. This book presents temporary architecture, flexible room and furniture…

    € 29,95
  • Tadao Ando - Vitra House, Karl Lagerfeld
    Tadao Ando - Vitra House, Karl Lagerfeld

    First edition, Printed in 1998 by Gerhard Steidl
    Very good.
    Only 1 book available

    Book design by Karl Lagerfeld, Gerhard Steidl and Bernard Fischer

    A photographic interpretation by Karl Lagerfeld of Japanese architect Tadao…

    € 95,00
  • Church I, Helen Verhoeven
    Church I, Helen Verhoeven

    Met schaalmodel / With scale model

    Schaars / Rare
    Nog vrijwel als nieuw exemplaar / Almost as new
    Slechts één stuks op voorraad / only one copy in stockMet een voorwoord van Stijn Huijts / With a foreword by Stijn Huijts


    € 45,00
  • Apocalypse, Daan van Speybroeck
    Apocalypse, Daan van Speybroeck

    een glas-in-lood-raam van Marc Mulders / a glass stained window by Marc Mulders

    In opdracht van Museum Catharijneconvent heeft de Tilburgse kunstenaar Marc Mulders een glas-in-loodraam gemaakt voor het grote trappenhuis van het…

    € 11,95
  • -29%

    The Selby Is in Your Place, Todd Selby
    The Selby Is in Your Place, Todd Selby

    First edtion, 2010

    The Selby Is in Your Place was conceived when Todd Selby began taking portraits of dynamic and creative people - authors, musicians, artists, designers and other cultural tastemakers - in their home…

    € 34,95 € 24,95
  • -29%

    ​Palette No: 2 Multicolour
    ​Palette No: 2 Multicolour

    New Rainbow-Hued Graphics

    By Viction:aryA vibrant companion to Victionary's recent Palette No. 1: Black & White, Palette No: 2 Multicolour looks at the most engaging use of colour in design, packaging, fashion and architecture…

    € 34,95 € 24,95
  • -45%

    1, 2 & 3 Colour Design Collection: vol. 2
    1, 2 & 3 Colour Design Collection: vol. 2

    Effective use of limited colors in graphics design

    Presents examples of a variety of posters, brochures, flyers, stationery, packaging, newsletters, shopping bags, and other items that are created using one or two colors.


    € 45,00 € 24,95
  • -45%


    Rem Koolhaas/OMA
    Norman Foster
    Alessandro Mendini

    Before Koolhaas realised any building as an architect, he was already celebrated for his publications. With his 'Office for Metropolitan Architecture' he realised over the past 20…

    € 45,00 € 24,95
  • Colour Hunting
    Colour Hunting

    How colour influences what we buy, make and feel

    Kleur speelt een vitale rol in onze visuele ervaringen en beïnvloedt zintuigen, terwijl het onze acties onbewust vormgeeft.Al millennia lang gebruiken kunstenaars en ontwerpers…

    € 45,00
  • It's Small, It Rains Inside and It's Got Ants, Federico Soriano en Dolores Palacios
    It's Small, It Rains Inside and It's Got Ants, Federico Soriano en Dolores Palacios

    Essays by Federico Soriano and Dolores Palacios

    First edtion, October 2000
    Very good copy, still completely intact

    Introduction by Amadeu SantacanaDesign by David Lorenthe

    Language: English

    Federico Soriano and Dolores…

    € 18,95
  • Klein Wonen Small Homes, Jacqueline Tellinga
    Klein Wonen Small Homes, Jacqueline Tellinga

    The making of BouwEXPO Tiny Housing in Almere

    Text in English below

    Wordt klein wonen het nieuwe gewoon? Ruim vier van elke tien mensen zal midden deze eeuw alleenwonend zijn. Alle reden om aan klein wonen aandacht te geven. In…

    € 14,95
  • -36%

    Brooklyn Modern, Diana Lind
    Brooklyn Modern, Diana Lind

    Architecture, Interiors & Design


    Photography by Yoko Inoue

    Brooklyn Modern: Architecture, Interiors & Design is the first book to explore the connection between Brooklyn's renaissance and its emerging architecture…

    € 45,00 € 28,95
  • -33%

    Jeremyville Sessions
    Jeremyville Sessions

    An inside look at collaborations with over 300 international artists and companies

    From the author of Vinyl Will Kill!

    First edition, 2007

    Following the success of the hit book Vinyl Will Kill!, the first book on the…

    € 45,00 € 29,95
  • On Mobility, Dirk van Weelden
    On Mobility, Dirk van Weelden

    Catalogue of the exhibition 'On Mobility' in De Appel Amsterdam, July 14 - August 27, 2006

    Like new

    Participating artists:
    Tiong Ang, Bik Van der Pol, Libia Castro / Ólafur Ólafsson, Banu Cennetoglu, Miklos Erhardt, Alicia…

    € 14,95
  • Designing Activism, Bas van Lier
    Designing Activism, Bas van Lier

    31 Designers Fighting for a Better World

    Hardcover, met leeslint
    Eerste druk, 2018
    Zo goed als nieuw exemplaar
    Beperkte oplage van 1250 (slechts één stuks op voorraad)
    Taal: EngelsDesigning Activism is the forth book published…

    € 24,95
  • Le Corbusier Houses, Tadao Ando
    Le Corbusier Houses, Tadao Ando

    Hardcover with dust jacket and reading ribbon
    Almost like new (unread)

    Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, otherwise known as the Swiss architect Le Corbusier, is famous for proclaiming 'the house is a machine for living in'. The book Le…

    € 45,00
  • Belgian Solutions, David Helbich
    Belgian Solutions, David Helbich

    Volume 1

    Belgian solutions is first of all a title, that became a way of speaking: 'Look, a Belgian solution.' It all started with me stopping to take pictures of situations that I later began publishing on Facebook under this…

    € 14,95
  • Art Space Tokyo, Ashley Rawlings and Craig Mod
    Art Space Tokyo, Ashley Rawlings and Craig Mod

    An intimate guide to twelve of Tokyo's most exciting art spaces

    Hardcover with reading ribbon
    First edition, 2008
    Like new

    Art Space Tokyo acts as your 272 page personal guide and interpreter, connecting you with the…

    € 35,00
  • Tokyo Totem, Monnik
    Tokyo Totem, Monnik

    A Guide to Tokyo

    Among cities, Tokyo in particular seems to baffle foreigners. This subjective guidebook to the spectacular Japanese metropolis intends to help you navigate and read the city in a way that evokes both a sense of…

    € 24,95
  • From Bauhaus tot Birdhouse, Leslie Garisto
    From Bauhaus tot Birdhouse, Leslie Garisto

    Imaginative Housing for the Feathered Community

    HardcoverWith blueprints for making classic birdhouses at home

    From Bauhaus tot Birdhouse is a celebration of avian housing in its many incarnations, from rustic to architectonic…

    € 28,95
  • Game Set and Match II, Kas Oosterhuis and Lukas Feireiss
    Game Set and Match II, Kas Oosterhuis and Lukas Feireiss

    The Architecture Co-Laboratory:

    Game Set and Match II

    On Computer Games, Advanced Geometries, and Digital Technologies

    Een bundeling van boeiende artikelen en cases verpakt in een uitdagende en conceptuele vormgeving die…

    € 28,95
  • Very Thai, Philip Cornwel-Smith and John Goss
    Very Thai, Philip Cornwel-Smith and John Goss

    Everyday Popular Culture


    This pioneering insight into contemporary Thai folk culture delves beyond the traditional Thai icons to reveal the casual, everyday expressions of Thainess that so delight and puzzle. From…

    € 16,95
  • The City is Ours #5: Manhole Covers
    The City is Ours #5: Manhole Covers


    Contributors: Adam Frint, Amir Dotan, Björn Altmann, Eli Zvuluny, Etienne Girardet, Gill Thorpe, Joost Markerink, Nicky Hirst, Timm Ulrichs, Tom Bob, and many more...

    The 5th issue of 'The City…

    € 18,95
  • Thuiskomen, Emile van Dijk
    Thuiskomen, Emile van Dijk

    Coming Home


    Eerste druk/first edition, 2007

    Taal: Nederlands/Engels
    Language: Dutch/English

    ​'Creating is seeing things from a special and unique reality, and than wanting to give that to someone else'

    Emile van…

    € 45,00
  • Carel Weeber, Ed Taverne
    Carel Weeber, Ed Taverne

    Monografieën van Nederlandse architecten/Monographs by Dutch Architects


    Fotografie/photography: Piet Rook

    Taal/language: Nederlands/Engels en/and Dutch/English

    Het bijna vijfhonderd meter lange De Peperklip te…

    € 18,95
  • a new kilo of KesselsKramer, KesselsKramer
    a new kilo of KesselsKramer, KesselsKramer

    First edtion, 2010
    Soft cover with dust jacket

    a new kilo of KesselsKramer is the follow-up to 2 kilo of KesselsKramer, a brick-like tome that covered every piece of work produced by wilful Dutch communications agency…

    € 45,00
  • In Residence, Diary #5, Little Daily Wonders, Barbara Brondi & Marco Rainò
    In Residence, Diary #5, Little Daily Wonders, Barbara Brondi & Marco Rainò

    45 Kilo, Humans Since 1982, Andrea Magnani, Lex Pott, ShiKai Tseng and Betham Laura Wood

    First edtion, April, 2013

    Selected by the ADI Design Permanent Observatory for the 'ADI Design Index 2014'

    'Little Daily…

    € 21,95
  • View On Colour 01
    View On Colour 01

    The Colour Forecasting Book

    View On Colour 01

    Magazine by Lidewij Edelkoort

    Schaars/rare (slechts één stuks op voorraad / only one copy in stock)

    Only some very light and hardly noticeable traces of use on the cover.…

    € 45,00
  • G-STAR 1989-2014
    G-STAR 1989-2014

    25 Years of Denim Innovation

    Hardcover in cassette

    Almost like new

    Language: English

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en…

    € 45,00
  • Alexander Bodon, Maarten Kloos
    Alexander Bodon, Maarten Kloos

    Monografieën van Nederlandse architecten/Monographs by Dutch Architects


    Fotografie/photography: Jan Versnel

    Taal/language: Nederlands/Engels en/and Dutch/English

    Alexander Bodon heeft in de meer dan vijftig jaar dat…

    € 24,95
  • View On Colour 29
    View On Colour 29

    The Colour Forecasting Book

    On Sabbatical

    View On Colour 29

    Magazine by Lidewij Edelkoort

    Only some very light and hardly noticeable traces of use on the cover. Otherwise still almost in new condition.

    Language: English


    € 45,00
  • Morf

    Nummer 3

    November 2005

    Morf was een onafhankelijk tijdschrift voor vormgeving dat tussen 2004 en 2013 werd uitgegeven door Premsela, Stichting voor Nederlandse vormgeving (later: Premsela, Instituut voor Design en Mode) Morf…

    € 8,95
  • View On Colour 05
    View On Colour 05

    The Colour Forecasting Book

    View On Colour 05

    Earth Matters

    Magazine by Lidewij Edelkoort

    Schaars/rare (slechts één stuks op voorraad / only one copy in stock)

    Only some very light and hardly noticeable traces of use on the…

    € 45,00
  • PIG 05049, Christien Meindertsma
    PIG 05049, Christien Meindertsma


    Eerste druk/First edition

    Taal: Nederlands/Engels
    Language: Dutch/English
    De tekst bij de getoonde producten is alleen in het Engels

    Text in English below
    Christien Meindertsma heeft drie jaar lang onderzoek gedaan…

    € 125,00
  • Funtionalism in the Netherlands Functionalisme in Nederland, Jan Derwig en Erik Mattie
    Funtionalism in the Netherlands Functionalisme in Nederland, Jan Derwig en Erik Mattie

    Taal: Nederlands/Engels
    Language: Dutch/English

    Text in English below

    Het functionalisme heeft vooral tussen 1920 en 1940 grote invloed gehad op de Europese architectuur. In Nederland stond deze stroming beter bekend als het…

    € 14,95
  • TRANSITIONAL, Frank Havermans
    TRANSITIONAL, Frank Havermans

    Instalaties die de status van het gebouw en het gebied bevragen

    Installations that question the status of the building and the area


    Taal: Nederlands/Engels
    Language: Dutch/Englis

    Text in English below


    € 18,95
  • Loving Your Pictures, Erik Kessels and Pauline Terreehorst
    Loving Your Pictures, Erik Kessels and Pauline Terreehorst


    Collected & edited by Erik Kessels.
    Texts by Erik Kessels and Pauline Terreehorst.
    Design by Angela Lidderdale.The collected photographic work of Erik Kessels questions matters such as authenticity, originality,…

    € 35,00
  • Herman Scholten, Oeuvreprijs 1998 Stichting Fonds voor beeldende kunsten, vormgeving en bouwkunst, Erik Beenker and Kirsten Algera
    Herman Scholten, Oeuvreprijs 1998 Stichting Fonds voor beeldende kunsten, vormgeving en bouwkunst, Erik Beenker and Kirsten Algera

    Taal: Nederlands/Engels
    Language: Dutch/English

    Tekst/text Erik Beenker
    Eindredactie/Editing Kirsten Algera

    Text in English below

    Publicatie verschenen ter gelegenheid van de oeuvreprijs 1998 van de Stichting Fonds voor…

    € 11,95
  • Ando, Architect, Kazukiyo Matsuba
    Ando, Architect, Kazukiyo Matsuba

    First edition, 1998

    Ando, Architect sets the work of Tadao Ando in dramatic perspective—initial intentions, meditations at the time of creation, and personal philosophy. The author has long been closely acquainted…

    € 28,95
  • Architectural Model is Essential Discussion Tool, edited by Jinyoun Na, NEW BOOK
    Architectural Model is Essential Discussion Tool, edited by Jinyoun Na, NEW BOOK

    DAMDI Q&A series 7

    This volume in the DAMDI Q&A series takes the architectural model as its focus.

    Interview about Architectural Model with 46 architects all over the world

    The book includes short, informative interviews with…

    € 35,00
  • Little People in the City, Slinkachu
    Little People in the City, Slinkachu

    The street art of Slinkachu

    First edition, 2008

    Like Banksy - but not as big...

    Foreword by Will Self

    ‘They’re not pets, Susan,’ says a stern father who has just shot a bumblebee, its wings sparkling in the…

    € 18,95
  • Bags, Claire Wilcox
    Bags, Claire Wilcox

    Featuring specially commissioned photography of bags from the V&A's world famous collections, this colourful and authoritative book explores the changing styles and uses of bags from the Middle Ages to the present day. Striking…

    € 13,95
  • The Art of Money, David Standish
    The Art of Money, David Standish

    The History and Design of Paper Currency from Around the World

    L'argent. Dinero. Geld. Dough. Whatever you call it, money makes the world go round. The United States is dispensing its first redesigned bills in decades, and the…

    € 11,95
  • -46%

    Arita / Table of Contents
    Arita / Table of Contents

    Studies in Japanes Porcelain

    10 potteries + 16 designers

    First editiom, 2016

    Celebrating the 400th anniversary of traditional Japanese ceramic culture as interpreted by today’s leading designersThe art of Japanese…

    € 65,00 € 35,00
  • Tilt, Nicholas Shrady
    Tilt, Nicholas Shrady

    A Skewed History of the Tower of Pisa

    First edition, 2003

    Special design: the book is bound diagonally (just like the tower). See photo.

    Language: English

    This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and…

    € 24,95
  • Mies van der Rohe at work, Peter Carter
    Mies van der Rohe at work, Peter Carter

    Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886—1969) is recognized as a leading figure in twentieth-century architecture, creator of some of the world's most iconic buildings, amongst them the Seagram Building, Berlin National Gallery, Lake…

    € 35,00
  • The Art of Clean Up, Ursus Wehrli
    The Art of Clean Up, Ursus Wehrli

    Life made neat and tidy


    First edition, 2013

    Photographs by Geri Born and Daniel Spehr

    The modern world can get messy—but Swiss artist Ursus Wehrli tidies it up with humor and design. The Art of Clean Up reimagines…

    € 16,95
  • architect, verb, Reinier de Graaf
    architect, verb, Reinier de Graaf

    The New Language of Building


    The Hidden Rules of Architecture: how to build world-class, award winning, creative, innovative, sustainable, liveable and beautiful spaces that foster a sense of place and well…

    € 14,95
  • The Ideal City, Jan Gehl, Bjarke Ingels and Robin Chase
    The Ideal City, Jan Gehl, Bjarke Ingels and Robin Chase

    Exploring Urban Futures


    The cities we live in can do more for us. They can be more accessible. More desirable. More resourceful, shared, and safe. In fact, these five qualities are exactly what Copenhagen-based…

    € 26,95
  • Bauhaus

    A publication by the Institut für Auslandbeziehungen on the occasion of the exhibition in construction center Rotterdam from January 22 to March 15, 1980

    Organized in collaboration with
    Goethe Institut, Amsterdam

    € 16,95
  • H.N. Werkman, Alston W. Purvis
    H.N. Werkman, Alston W. Purvis


    First edition, 2004
    Like new132 color illustrations

    Dutch designer and printmaker Hendrik Werkman (1882-1945) is best known for his innovative printing techniques and avant-garde typography. As publisher of…

    € 14,95
  • Bouwlust, Theo Baart
    Bouwlust, Theo Baart

    Eerste druk / first print

    Taal: Nederlands en Engels
    Text in English below

    1999 Het platteland in Nederland staat onder grote druk, onder andere door de toenemende verstedelijking. In Bouwlust wordt aan de hand van een markant…

    € 45,00
  • 100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design, Steven Heller and Véronique Vienne
    100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design, Steven Heller and Véronique Vienne

    100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design by Steven Heller and Véronique Vienne is an inspiring book that describes graphic design development through presenting 100 influential ideas. The book is richly illustrated and provides a…

    € 11,95
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