A Photographic Memory, Jack Hulme
A look at the history of Yorkshire, England, through the eyes of Jack Hulme. It is a collection of photographs that paint a picture of life in Yorkshire in the 20th century.
Photographs of working class life are usually taken by outsiders; this book is different. Jack Hulme was born in 1906 when Fryston was still 'New'. He now (1986) lives in one of the twenty houses left in what was once a thriving pit village. Miner, barber, leader of the harmonica band — Jack was at the heart of village life for sixty years.
Progressing from a box camera to a Leica, Jack Hulme took photographs of everything around him; this is a selection from 7000 negatives. VE Day celebrations and gala days are the highlights, but it is the pictures of street life, drinking in the pub, washing lines and dolly tubs which make this collection unique.
Language: English
This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.
A Photographic Memory, Jack Hulme, nice copy
Published by Yorkshire Art Circus, 1986, first edition, paperback, oblong, 24,1 x 16,9 x 0,9 cm, 102 pages
ISBN 0947780165
Price without shipping costs
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