100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design, Steven Heller and Véronique Vienne
100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design by Steven Heller and Véronique Vienne is an inspiring book that describes graphic design development through presenting 100 influential ideas. The book is richly illustrated and provides a chronological overview of concepts that have shaped the graphic design world.
Some of the ideas discussed include:
The Book: The impact of books on graphic design.
Body Type: The use of typography on the body, such as tattoos.
Pixelation: The influence of pixel art on modern design.
Ambigrams: Words or sentences that can be read in different ways.
The book is both historical and sociological in nature and offers a wide range of examples, from ancient techniques such as rub-on designs to modern digital innovations
Language: English
This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.
100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design, Steven Heller and Véronique Vienne, almost like new
Laurence King Publishing, 2019, paperback, 21,7 x 1,9 x 1,4 cm, 216 pages
ISBN 9781786273895
Price without shipping costs
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