The Art of Clean Up, Ursus Wehrli
Life made neat and tidy
First edition, 2013
Photographs by Geri Born and Daniel Spehr
The modern world can get messy—but Swiss artist Ursus Wehrli tidies it up with humor and design. The Art of Clean Up reimagines the world and its everyday objects as neat, color-coded rows of their component parts.
Language: English
This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.
The Art of Clean Up, Ursus Wehrli, very god copy (handwritten name and some (very) light traces of use on the cover. Furthermore, it is still as good as a new copy)
Chronicle Books LLC, San Francisco, 2013, first edtition, hardcover, 27,3 x 21,6 x 0,8 cm, 48 pages
ISBN 9781452114163
Price without shipping costs
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