The Happy Campers, Tess Carr an Kat Heyes
The Happy Campers is an inspirational and practical guide to 'happy camping'. Packed full of practical tips and brilliant ideas from where to go and how to find a good campsite to how to set up your camp and build a campfire, this book will also show you the magic of camping. With chapters on delicious recipes that have been invented, collected and cooked over years of camping, how to entertain yourselves at camp, the wild world around us and even some soulful moments like a star gazer map to help you identify those constellations and a meteor shower calendar to spot a falling star.
Shunning the survival techniques and high-tech equipment that camping has become all too well known for, this book takes a more spontaneous, relaxed and eco friendly approach. Whatever your level of camping expertise this inspiring book will accompany you from coffee table to wilderness on your own unforgettable journeys.
This beautifully produced, informative book will be THE camping book for the ever increasing hordes who love sleeping under canvas.
Language: English
This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.
The Happy Campers, Tess Carr an Kat Heyes, very nice copy
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London, 2007, fisrt edition, paperback, 24,6 x 19,0 x 2,1 cm, 288
ISBN 9780747586661
Price without shipiing costs
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