Monkey Portraits, Jill Greenberg
Photographs by Jill Greenberg
Expanded edition. Featuring eigth new portraits
Foreword by Paul Weitz
Afterword by Paul Myoda
We share about 98 percent of our DNA with chimpanzees, our closest biological cousins. And never have the similarities between simians and humans been so amusingly and brilliantly captured as in Jill Greenberg's Monkey Portraits.
Greenberg has spent fifteen years photographing celebrities for leading publications but has recently focused on stars of a different sort. She has turned her camera toward monkeys and apes, many of whom have appeared in film or television shows. These monkeys, in all their glory, will make you laugh out loud and wonder just how much we have in common. Her intimate portraits of these animals convey a startling range of emotions and personalities, and evoke an almost eerie sense of recognition. Each of these eighty-three amazing photogaphs—including eight portraits published for the first time in this paperback edition—will likely remind you of someone you know.
A new afterword by the artist and critic Paul Myoda situates Greenberg's photographs between our primitive past and our cosmetically altered, digitally enhanced future, and descfibes the haunting experience of recognizing ourselves in those penetrating simian eyes. "Look forward, look backward, look again at your reflection," he writes, and "you just might recognize something that was staring at you all this time. Haven't we met?"
"These remarkable new photographs provide graphic evidence that apes do indeed experience the whole gamut of human emotion: from joy to solemnity, compassion to frustration, despair to rage. Study the faces of the great apes in these portraits, and you'll see just how closely related we are. Look into the eyes of these glorious beings, read their wrinkles, examine their expressions. You will find wisdom, inno- cence, humor, even moodiness. They are more human than you ever thought." — Dr. Jane Goodall, Daily Mail
Language: English
This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.
Monkey Portraits, Jill Greenberg, almost like new
Little, Brown and Company, New York - Boston - London, October 2007, paperback with flaps, 25,4 x 20.5 x 1,0 cm, 112 pages
ISBN 9780316005128
Price without shiping costs
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