Jerusalem, Lidia Banara
Like new
Language: Italian/English
Italian artist Lidia Bagnara shot her photographs of Jerusalem between 2015 and 2018, during the early morning and other hours when the city’s streets were mostly free of tourists and pilgrims. Her poignant, immediate photographs give the city (one of the holiest cities in the world) space to breath and unfold within the frame. Bagnara, who has spent the past thirty years traveling through cities and countries of the world, recognizes the visual powers hidden within Jerusalem’s streets and, using natural light, draws them out for the span of a photograph.
“Hers is an invitation not to ask, not to investigate, only to look, in retrospect, at what she has not seen but only ‘felt.’ We, her readers, live her emotions, enchanted by the scents we have not smelt, by the warmth, by the colors that she and only she has seen and that her images relay to us. And we in turn learn to see.” - from Giovanna Calvenzi’s afterword
Texts by Lidia Bagnara, Giovanna Calvenzi and Manuela Dviri
Jerusalem, Lidia Banara, like new
Danilo Montanari Editore, 2021, first edtion, hardcover, 24,8 x 17,0 cm, 72 pages
ISBN 9788885449758
Price without shipping costs
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