Shedchic, Sally Coulthard
From Garden Rooms and Working Spaces to Creative Dens and Places tot Potter
Planning, designing and decorating for outdoor rooms, from home offices to creative spaces, children's plahouses to guest huts
Language: English
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Shedchic is an indispensable guide to planning. soutang, desgning and decorating all forms of micro outdoor buildings, from home offices and hardworking creative spaces to garden rooms and places to potter. Sheds are no longer decorative aftenhoughts at the bottom of the garden. While the traditional garden shed was once a glorified dumping space, where design and decor was not a consideration, these places are the latest area of the home to be (discovered by creative designers who see the potential in creating a standalone living or working space alongside a home, whether in the heart of the city or in a rural setting.
Outdoor buildings offer additional accommodation for over crowded homes, usually without the need for planning permisson. They can become flexible and usable spaces that are versatile and practical: neat home offices in which to welcome clients, artists' studios filled with inspirational clutter: teenage dens or a garden room for entertaining.
Shed Design outlines the enormous range of architectutal styles available for outdoor buildings, explaning design details for everything contemporary ecofriendly structures and wooden gardening sheds to gypsy huts and purpose-built home offices. In Shed Spaces, dozens of inspirational ideas and 13 case studies show a huge variety of looks, from city dens to poolside cabins, self-contained guest annexes to cute children's playhouses. Increasingly, these microbuildings are being pressed into service as a 'Shoffice' now that home working is a popular alternative, to commuting. They ate equaily suitable spaces for creative pursuits such as painting, pottery or flonstry or for use as guest rooms for visitors, self contained teenage dens or simply relaxing spaces, a mini home frome home away fram the main house.
Making Space provides pratical advice about the necessary considerations for planning the perfect shed, from location function and utilities to materials, style and furnishings, allowing you tot convert your outdoor building into a useable and beautiful space. Design ideas, from outdoor paints and green storage solutions using reclaimed materials to simple furniture ans furnishings that fit whith small scale garden buildings, in town or country from urban pod to country summer house, creative shack to a garden based office, the structure formely known as the potting room has come of age. Chic sheds are here to stay.
Shedchic, Sally Coulthard, good copy
Published by Jacqui Small LLP, London, 2009, hardcover with dust jacked, 25,7 x 23,5 x 2,3 cm, 208 pages
ISBN 9781906417185
Price whitout shipping costs
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