Brutal Simplicity of Thought, M&C Saatchi
How It Changed the World
First edition, 2011
This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.
Simplicity looks easy. It's not. It's easier to complicate than simplify. This book presents stunningly simple examples of concepts that have changed the world - from the single piece of paper that became the American Declaration of Independence, giving birth to the most powerful nation in the history of the world, to the symbol and line that enables us to write music. Thought-provoking and incisive, Brutal Simplicity of Thought is the distillation, in words and pictures, of the Saatchi method of creativity. Whether you are a student, a manager, self-employed or a CEO, this book has something to teach us all: simplicity rules.
Language: English
Brutal Simplicity of Thought, M&C Saatchi, very good copy
Ebury Press, 2011, first edtion, hardcover, 24,6 x 17,8 x 1,3 cm, 112 pages
ISBN 9780091943318
Price without shipping costs
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