Stylish Dress Book, Yoshiko Tsukiori
Simple Smocks, Dresses and Tops
DIY fashion is the best way to be stylish
With four full-scale patterns
This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.
Stylish Dress Book features an A to Z of cool tops and tunic dresses that you can wear anywhere. Using simple shapes and individual details, this book shows you how to craft a stylish collection of garments to your own taste. For anyone who knows the frustration of going shopping and finding racks of identikit clothes in cheap fabrics, this book offers a fabulous homemade alternative. As every sewist knows, DIY fashion is the best way to be stylish.
With four full-scale patterns at the back, this book provides exciting designs through a series of simple, step-by-step diagrams, so the sequence of construction is easy to follow. Choose from 26 different garments and then set to work making your own unique outfit.
Yoshiko Tsukiori is a graduate of Joshibi Junior College of Art and Design. She worked for a variety of clothing companies before establishing herself as an independent sewing designer. Her expertise ranges from babywear and children's clothing to womenswear.
Language: English
Stylish Dress Book, Yoshiko Tsukiori, very good copy (complete wth the four patterns)
Laurence King Publishing, 2014, English edtition, 24,5 x 19,2 x 0,8 cm, paperback with dust jacket, 88 pages
ISBN 97817780671079
Price without shipping costs
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