The 3D Printing Handbook, Ben redwood, Filemon Schöffer and Brian Garret, NEW BOOK
Technologies, design and applications
This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.
Slechts één stuks op vooraad / Only one copy in stock
Foreword by Tony Fadell, creator of the iPod an d founder of Nest
If you’re a professional looking to master the key aspects of 3D printing, this book is for you.
The 3D Printing Handbook provides practical advice on selecting the right technology and how-to design for 3D printing, based upon first-hand experience from the industry’s leading experts.
What's Inside
Insights into the mechanism behind all major 3D printing technologies
An understanding of the benefits and limitations of each technology
Decision making tools for technology selection
Actionable design advice and guidelines
Industry case studies from world-leading brands
Language: English
The 3D Printing Handbook, Ben redwood, Filemon Schöffer and Brian Garret, NEW BOOK
3D Hubs, hardcover, 304 pages
ISBN 9789082748505
Price without shipping costs
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