Work/Life 3: the UPPERCASE directory of illustration
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Being a professional illustrator is a full-time job that goes beyond the mainstream nine-to-five: tough deadlines mean working through the night. Flashes of inspiration can happen anytime, so your sketchbook is an indispensable appendage. You might spend innumerable hours secluded in your studio, or perhaps you’re a regular at the local coffeeshop. Chances are, your work and your life are one and the same and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
With the third book in this series, we push the personal nature of Work/Life to a new level. This edition’s theme is 'An Illustrated Life' in which we explore the illustrator’s lifestyle in intimate detail and find out what it takes to stay creative 24/7.
Designed and written by Janine Vangool
Cover illustrated by Jeff Rogers
Language: English
Work/Life 3: the UPPERCASE directory of illustration, very good copy
UPPERCASE PUBLISHING INC, 2013, paperback, 20,3 x 16,8 x 1,7 cm, 224 pages
ISBN 9780987898777
price without shipping costs
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