After Nihilism, Wilfried Dickhoff
Essays on Contemporary Art
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In After Nihilism, Wilfried Dickhoff examines the art work of contemporary European and American artists, including Joseph Beuys, Marcel Broodthaers, Gerhard Richter, Cindy Sherman, and Philp Taaffe. Questioning Adorno's concept of negative freedom in the autonomous work of art, he demonstrates how the works of these artists, in which the contradictions and paradoxes of deconstruction/reconstruction, beauty/sublime, difference/indifference, affirmation/negation, authenticity/cynicism, subject/nonidentity are neverresolved, thus creating images of competing complexities. Tracing the development of the (post)avant-garde through the 1980s to the present, this collection provides in-depth analysis of particular works of art and demonstrates the author's close engagement with and understanding of the contemporary art world.
Wilfried Dickhoff is an independent critic and a curator of cortemporary art. He lives in Cologne, Germany, and New York. The author of numerous articles, catalogues, and books on aspects of contemporary art, he is also editor of Nabe Press, New York, and editor of the book series Kunst Heute (K & W Verlag, Cologne). Among the exhbitions he curated are "What It Is" (New York, I986) and "Ars Pro Domo" (Cologne,1992). Wilfried Dickhoff is the artistic director of "InBetween," EXPO 2000 (Hannover, Germany).
Language: English
Translated from the German by Jeanne Haunschild
After Nihilism, Wilfried Dickhoff, good copy (some signs of use/minor damage to the cover, otherwise a very good copy)
Cambridge University press, 2000, first print, paperback, 24,6 x 17,4 x 1,7 cm, 292 pages
ISBN 052159698X
Price without shipping costs
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