The Best of MUTTS, Patrick McDonnell
Ten years. A decade. In dog and cat years it's even longer, and in cartooning years, well, it's just plain rare to maintain the popularity and consistent excellence that Mutts and Patrick McDonnell have achieved. In The Best of MUTTS the 17th—and first-ever hardcover with Andrews McMeel Publishing—Mutts cartoon collection, McDonnell selects his favorite strips from the past 10 years.
Certain to be a much-sought-after holiday gift and a special tome for collectors and fans, this collection is divided into ten chapters, each featuring an introduction by McDonnell.
Earl and Mooch, along with supporting sidekicks Shtinky Puddin', Sourpuss, Guard Dog, and Crabby, are featured. Including the Gift of Nothing, the introduction of the pink sock, belly rubs, angel visits, and the formation of the Mutts Book Club, this treasury collects more than 300 poignantly entertaining Mutts strips.
Always striking a delicate balance between lighthearted fun and responsible social commentary, McDonnell's work has been recognized by critics and the popular press for its distinctive style, heartwarming humor, and strong yet non-preachy stand on responsible pet ownership, animal protection and advocacy, art and artist appreciation, the celebration of nature, and the sanctity of all life.
Mutts appears in 700 newspapers in over 20 countries.
Language: English
This book is in stock in our warehouse in the Netherlands and available quickly / Dit boek is op voorraad in ons magazijn in Nederland en snel beschikbaar.
The Best of MUTTS, Patrick McDonnell, very good copy (like new)
Andres McMeel Publishing, hardcover 28,4 x 25,5 x 2,5 cm, 256 pages
ISBN 9780740768446
Price without shipping costs
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