Frank Lloyd Wright, Robert McCarter
This book provides a comprehensive critical overview of the work of Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the great masters of modern architecture. Beautifully illustrated with a wealth of photographs of many of Wright's best known buildings, Frank Lloyd Wright explores the key themes in the architect's work, presenting the consistent and systematic qualities that underlie all of his designs.
Robert McCarter's text analyses Wright's work chronologically, emphasizing key designs and works relating to them, in parallel to an examination of several predominant themes active in Wright's design work, and singled out by Wright as being of fundamental importance in his understanding of architecture. The themes of space and the spatial experience of the user are thus examined, alongside a discussion of construction and a coherent tectonic order, and an investigation of the relationship between Wright's architecture and the landscape.
An extensive selection of archival drawings and photographs, clear redrawn plans and colour photographs, together with a complete chronology of Wright's buildings and projects, compiled by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, Director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives, make this book an indispensable reference work of this renowned architect.
Language: English
Frank Lloyd Wright, Robert McCarter, very good copy, only the back is a bit discolored
Phaidon, paperback with dust jacket, 29,0 x 25,0 x 3,4 cm, 368 pages
ISBN 9780714838540
Price without shipping costs
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