Global Brand Strategy, Jan-Benedict Steenkamp
World-wise marketing in the age of branding
A strategy fot global branding that even shareholders will love
Consider these three facts. First, many businesses generate much of their revenue and most of their growth outside their home market. Second, their brands constitute a massive percentage of their firm's value. Third, their brands are just a keystroke away from customers overseas.
The companies that have delivered the biggest increases in brand value over recent years operate as single brands everywhere on the planet. We find them in B2C and B2B industries, among large and small companies, and among established companies and new businesses. The stewards of these brands have skills and knowledge that set them apart from the typical marketer. They know that an ill-conceived or poorly organized and executed global brand strategy will destroy rather than build value.
But how do you ensure that your global brand is dynamic and flexible enough to change at market speed? How can you assure your global brand turns out to be a breadwinner rather than a basket case? International marketing expert Jan-Benedict Steenkamp has studied global brands for over 25 years on six continents. He has distilled their practices into eight new tools that you can start using today. With case studies from around the world, Steenkamp introduces the global brand value chain and explains how brand equity factors into shareholder value.
Provocative and timely, Global Brand Strategy will equip you with techniques and tools for developing strategy, organizing execution, and measuring results so that your brand will prosper globally. Global Brand Strategy speaks to four types of B2B and B2B managers: those who want to launch their brands globally and get results, those who want to strengthen already strong global brands, those who need to revive their global brand, and those who need to stop the bleeding.
Language: English
Global Brand Strategy, Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, very good copy, but the book has a tiny tear in the dust jacket on the spine and a small stain on the edge. Therefore reduced in price! Also clean and neat.
Palgrave Macmillan, 1st edition, 2017, hardcover with dust jacket, 320 pages
ISBN 9781349949939
Price without shipping costs
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