How to Set Up and Run a Fashion Label, Toby Meadows
2nd edition
No matter how talented you are as a designer, if you are going to run a successful fashion label you also need to know about business - from marketing and PR to manufacturing your collection, and where to find the money to finance it all.
In How to Set Up and Run a Fashion Label, Toby Meadows presents a no-nonsense guide to running your own business, whether it is within the clothing, accessories or footwear sectors. Packed with tips, case studies and tasks to help you analyse yourself, your market and your product, the book is designed for anyone wanting to start their own fashion business.
This edition contains information on e-commerce, sustainability, five new case studies and updated images throughout.
Language: English
How to Set Up and Run a Fashion Label, Toby Meadows, very good copy
Laurence King PublishingLtd, 2nd edition, paperback, 25,0 x 17,5 x 1,5 cm, 200 pages
Price without shipping costs
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