The Book of Nonsense and Nonsense Songs, Edward Lear
'How pleasant to know Mr Lear!
Who has written such volumes of stuff!'
Ever since we read or heard The Owl and the Pussy-Cat as children, the poetry of Edward Lear has charmed us with its wonderful eccentricity. This collection of verse and limericks contains much for adults and children to enjoy: humorous verse with cleverly invented language, strong rhythms and quirky, imaginative themes.
Edward Lear was the inventor of the limerick and here you-will find many of the first and funniest ever written, but there are also longer nonsense poems, songs, narrative verse and hilarious illustrations. All in all this collection of Lear's nonsense is a marvellous escape from the commonplace into the world of the absurd.
The cover shows 'The Old Man of Corfu', an illustration by Edward Lear from A Book of Nonsense
Penguin Popular Poetry
Language: English
The Book of Nonsense and Nonsense Songs, Edward Lear, good copy (light signs of use on the cover)
Penguin Books, pocket, 174 pages
ISBN 0140622268
Price without shipping costs
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