A Modern Approach to Baketry, Dona Z. Meilach
With Fibers an Grasses
Using Coiling, Twining, Weaving, Macramé, and Crocheting
440 Photographs
17 Color Plates
Though baskets and basketry techniques are almost as ancient as man himself, their creative potential is growing more rapidly now than at any time in history. Today, the same basketry techniques presented in this invaluable book are being employed by many craftsmen around the country who find baskets a beautiful medium for artistic expres- Sion. As the author notes, 'Now the need for beautiful functional baskets has disappeared and opened wide the doors for the artist to create forms that are frankly expressive of his inner feelings; forms that are beautiful without the need of function; forms that give the creator the ability to explore his materials, to work with his hands, to feel with his soul and mind.'
Aspiring basket makers will find that A Modern Apporoach to Basketry provides them
with everything they need to know to begin making exquisite articles reminiscent of the finest creations of foreign craftsmen. Dona Meilach shows the materials needed, including animal, vegetable, and synthetic fibers and all types of grasses, and presents clear step-by-step instructions and illustrations on the various methods to use: coiling, twining, weaving, macramé, and crochet. In addition, she shows how to embellish the tactile surfaces with unusual flourishes, and provides combining procedures as well as ideas for finishing ends, assembling shapes, and overcoming technical prohlems.
Whether you want a simply woven carryall or an elegant and exotic piece of basket-sculpture, this is the book that will help you make it quickly, easily, and inexpensively.
Language English
A Modern Approach to Baketry, Dona Z. Meilach, good copy (the book is completely intact, but clearly used)
Crown Publishers, Inc. New York, 1974, paperback, 25,9 x 18,2 x 2,2 cm, 246 pages
ISBN 0517516896
Price without shipping costs
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