A WOLF IN THE KITCHEN, Lindsey Bareham
A WOLF IN THE KITCHEN is a book about eating well every day without much fuss and bother. lt is for those people who adore good food but think they can't cook and haven't the time or inclination to learn. lt is healthy food and, above all, food that tastes delicious.
A WOLF IN THE KITCHEN is for anyone who has a vast appetite and not much money. There are tips on the essentials to keep in the store cupboard, hints about shopping — whether in the supermarket, the street market, an ethnic shop or corner shop - and how to eat like a lord on a pauper's budget.
A WOLF IN THE KITCHEN contains recipes to suit all occasions. lt looks after the Lone Wolf who needs food now, and has recipes for the Pack — the friends who descend suddenly, pleading starvation. There is quick food, very quick food, almost instant food, and food that cooks itself while you wander off and do something else.
A WOLF IN THE KITCHEN is packed with easy recipes for pasta, stir fries and noodle soups, for stews and things on toast, and for turning ordinary ingredients, like a can of tomatoes or a bag of potatoes, into an exciting feast. There is food to impress - whether lovers, mates or parents. And some wicked puddings.
A WOLF IN THE KITCHEN explains how to eke out the budget and eat well without spending hours labouring over a hot wok. Lindsey Bareham writes clearly, with great humour and, above all, with understanding.
Language: English
A WOLF IN THE KITCHEN, Lindsey Bareham, very good copy/net exemplaar
Penguin Books, paperback, 21,0 x 14,9 x 1,5 cm, 256 pages
ISBN 0140262458
Price without shipping costs
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