creATE, Chris Sanderson, Martin Raymond
Eating, Design and Future Food
Food is not just a hot topic in design and cutting edge creativity today, but also an enormous industry with changing standards and perceptions. crEATe. Eating, Design and Future Food investigates recent trends and visual developments within food, design, hospitality and packaging design.
Based upon research by trend analysts Chris Sanderson and Martin Raymond from the London firm The Future Laboratory, this sourcebook documents and illustrates manifold examples and concepts that are the driving forces in contemporary food, both influencing and inspiring today’s visionary chefs, designers, and consumers.
Six extensive chapters shed new light on the central topics and various approaches relevant in contemporary food with incisive texts including profiles of visionary creatives accompanied by visuals. The book starts by examining the treacherous landscape of food politics with environmental and production concerns in “Food Activists”. It then explores the return of “Wholehearted” home-style cooking, the sophisticated choices of nutritional “Smart Food” and “Packaging” confronts new challenges in delivering high impact aesthetic and brand experiences while being cost effective and sustainable.
The concepts and interior design approaches of “Food Spaces” also encompass luxurious canteens, cooking laboratories and store designs. The various attitudes of people towards food are defined in “Typologies”. Finally, crEATe. further explores “Future Solutions” by illuminating emerging trends that will follow, illustrating how food will look in the future as well as how we will respond to it emotionally and aesthetically.
Portrayed in striking ways, the multifaceted examples in this informative volume range from product design, industrial design and the interiors of restaurants and hotels to branding and consumerism. crEATe. surely indicates how food is gaining new meaning in our lives as well as in top-notch contemporary design.
Language: English
creATE, Chris Sanderson, Martin Raymond, very good copy
Gestalten, hardcover, 28,8 x 24,5 x 2,4 cm, 216 pages
ISBN 9783899552317
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