Wild Wonders of Europe, Peter Cairns
For over a year, 69 of Europe's best nature photographers travelled to all corners of Europe's 48 countries to unveil the incredibly rich and amazingly varied natural heritage of this continent. From the polar bears of arctic Svalbard to the sea turtles of the Mediterranean, from the wild bison of Poland to the snow-covered glaciers of the Caucasus—for the first time ever, the wild beauty of Europe's landscapes and the immense diversity of its wildlife is being shown to the world.
Almost 20 per cent of the European Union's land surface is now protected—thanks in large part to conservation decisions taken in the last few decades. In many areas, important species have been protected, others have been successfully re-introduced to their natural habitats, and many damaged areas are being restored.
Marking the International Year of Biodiversity, this book celebrates some concrete results of what is possible when humans take the right actions. But it also reminds us of the serious consequences of taking the wrong actions . . or none at all.
Wild Wonders of Europe is about the wild places and wild creatures that are still out there. lt is about the sheer joy of the wild, why it matters to us, and what we risk losing.
lt is about the natural heritage of a continent that is Unseen, Unexpected, and Unforgettable.
Language: English
Wild Wonders of Europe, Peter Cairns, Florian Möllers, Staffan Widstrand and Bridget Wijnberg, good copy
Abrams, hardcover with dust jacket, 32,9 x 25 x 2,6 cm, 288 pages
ISBN 9780810996144
Price without shipping costs
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