Beaton Portraits, Terence Pepper
Sir Cecil Beaton (1904-80) was one of the most distinguished photographers of the twentieth century. Self-taught, he was for years a major contributor to Vogue in London, Paris and New York. His ability to attune himself to the changing fashions meant he was equally able to capture the Sitwells of the mid-1920s and the Rolling Stones of the mid-1960s, as well as Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali in the 1930s and Marilyn Monroe in the 1950s.
Beaton's talent was multi-faceted and his fashion photographs, book jacket designs, war reportage, designs for theatre and film, and his diaries, mark him as one of the first international multi-media artists. This sumptuously illustrated book demonstrates his finest strength - his evocative portraits. His portfolio of sitters included Audrey Hepburn, the Royal Family and Greta Garbo.
Beaton Portraits celebrates the remarkable life and unique work of a quintessential yet avant-garde Englishman, who was gifted with an abundant and flamboyant sense of style.
Language: English
Beaton Portraits, Terence Pepper, Roy Strong and Peter Conrad, very good copy (like new)
National portrait Gallery, paperback, 17,9 x 14,6 x 1,5 cm, 200 pages
ISBN 1855145146
Price without shipping costs
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