catalogue 2, the work of cepezed, Olof Koekebakker
In the past few decades, cepezed has gained renown with transparent, sustainable and technologically progressive architecture that is remarkably usable and humane. Unaffected design, sober but stylish materialization, and careful finishing are just as characteristic of cepezed's oeuvre as the integration of spatial and construction-technical aspects. The design and building processes at cepezed are also integrated: the use of prefab components and the application of industrial building methods guarantee an optimum alignment of design and realization, in which time, quality, and costs are meticulously planned and controlled. Catalogue 2 offers a lucid understanding of cepezed's architectural approach and a wide overview of designs and realized projects.
Language: English
catalogue 2, the work of cepezed, Olof Koekebakker, like new
010 publishers, paperback, 252 pages
ISBN 9789064507038
Price without shipping costs
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