City Shock: Planning the Unexpected, Winy Maas and Felix Madrazo
In a world where forecasting seems futile, where predictions are unreliable, and where even the most absurd scenarios are plausible, many planning decisions seem to be governed not by vision-Fear of disaster, fear of change, fear of the unknown. Can we learn from 'fear'? Can such fear be made beneficial? Is it conceivable that ‘fear’ might even offer a kind of guide in matters of urban planning? Guided by fantasy and invention rather than science, City Shock: Planning the Unexpected proposes ten ‘what if’ scenarios, imagining how each of these scenarios could play out in the Dutch landscape between 2018 and 2047. In a narrative composed of feasible but unlikely headlines, a series of newspaper-style spreads report on fictitious future catastrophic events, exposing possible causes and consequences.
Language: English
City Shock: Planning the Unexpected, Winy Maas and Felix Madrazo, good copy
nai010 publishers, paperback, 320 pages
ISBN 9789462080072
Price without shipping costs
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