Portraits from the studio and the street, Ari Marcopoulos
Beautiful portraits of Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Keith Haring, Robert Mapplethorpe, Jeff Koons, Richard Serra, Enzo Gucchi, Jannis Kounellis and other people.
Ari Marcopoulos (born 1957) is an Amsterdam-born photographer and filmmaker, living and working in New York and California.[1] As a photographer, film artist and adventurist, Marcopoulos, who began his career in New York City assisting Andy Warhol, transplants himself into the intimate lives of people living on the edge. Artists, snowboarders, musicians and skateboarders have been both muses and commercial subject-matter throughout his quarter century career as a photographer.
Portraits from the studio and the street, Ari Marcopoulos, good condition
Bert Bakker, hardcover, 65 pictures in black en white
ISBN 9035105222
Language: English
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